iPhone Call Types: Outgoing vs. Cancelled Explained

On average, people make and receive over 20 calls a day on their iPhones. With all those incoming and outgoing calls lighting up your screen, the call history can quickly become confusing. The key takeaway? Read on to finally make sense of your iPhone’s call log!
Quick Answer
An outgoing call is one that successfully connects after you dial a number. While a canceled call is when you start to make a call but hang up before it rings on the other end. The key difference is that outgoing calls complete fully, while canceled calls are terminated mid-dial before reaching the recipient.
Difference Between Outgoing Call And Canceled Call iPhone
An outgoing call means you dialed someone’s number and the call was actually placed. A canceled call is when you start to dial or connect a call but hang up before it rings on the other end. So if you see “outgoing” in your call history, it means you successfully called someone. “Canceled” means you started to make the call but ended it before it could ring for the recipient.
However, the difference between outgoing call and incoming call is that outgoing means you called someone, incoming means they called you.

Do Canceled And Outgoing Calls Cause Missed Calls?
No, canceled and outgoing calls will not show up as missed calls on your iPhone call history. Only incoming calls that go unanswered are counted as missed – indicating someone tried to call you but you didn’t pick up. So rest assured, neither outgoing calls you make nor canceled calls you hang up on will end up in your missed calls tally. Your call history accurately tracks only true unanswered incoming calls.
Does a canceled call show up as a missed call on iPhone?
No, a canceled call does not show up as a missed call on your iPhone. For a call to be logged as missed, it has to ring on your end without you picking up. So canceled calls never have a chance to be “missed” since they end before ringing.
Why Are Some Calls Marked As Canceled On iPhone?
Calls labeled as “canceled” on your iPhone call history indicate that either you or the recipient terminated the call before it was answered. When you or the other person ends the call quickly, iPhone registers it as a canceled call rather than outbound or incoming.
Do Canceled Calls Show Up on the Receiver’s iPhone?
A canceled call will not show up in the receiver’s call history on an iPhone. In fact, there will be no record of the call at all on the recipient’s iPhone if you cancel it quickly enough. Their call log will remain untouched, almost as if the call never happened!
With texting being such a big part of our communication, knowing how to properly delete iMessages comes in handy for any iPhone user. Thanks to the seamless syncing between Apple devices, erasing a text conversation on your iPhone also removes it from the recipient’s end.

James Wilson
James Wilson is a seasoned tech enthusiast with a passion for all things Apple. With years of experience troubleshooting and fixing iPhone issues, he brings a wealth of knowledge to “My Tech Simply.” James’s dedication to helping iPhone users find simple and effective solutions shines through in his articles.